We are fortunate to live in the Bay Area where so many start-ups and tech companies often launch and publicize their services or products before they go global (think Uber). One new service that has launched in the South Bay is about helping people to connect. Called linkAges, the program was created by the Palo Alto Medical Foundation and strives to build healthy communities through an online network that connects people of all ages. The program works by allowing you to post online that you need help with something, such as learning to play the piano or getting a ride to the dental office. Someone then volunteers to help and, once the task is completed, they get to bank the time it took, and use that time when they need something themselves. It's a particularly helpful way for older adults to connect with others. For example, an older person may need help with gardening or cleaning. A student or younger adult volunteers to help out for two hours. A few weeks later, the student then needs a ride to the airport and can use the banked hours to request help from someone else. To learn more, visit the linkAges website at community.linkages.org.